How to make hair extensions look natural?

Hair Extensions

Hair ExtensionsHair extensions, as well as eyelash extensions and micro-bladed eyebrows, are the best-kept secrets. However, like with any natural beauty enhancer, you need to ensure that your  extensions appear natural. The goal of extensions is to make them feel and appear natural. So, what’s the best way to make extensions appear natural?

5 Steps To Natural Looking Hair Extensions

Follow these crucial steps and you won’t have to worry about anyone noticing your extensions since they will appear all-natural.

While getting that sharp, and shiny style with your hair may be your dream, clipping fresh extensions straight on your hair might seem artificial. A new extension will undoubtedly appear ultra-glossy. This is why, if you want to prevent the phoney look, you should wash them before wearing them.

  • Get them done by a professional

When it comes to getting your hair extensions to seem authentic and natural, the greatest advice that can be given is to go to a hairdresser. Sure, extensions are pretty much do-it-yourself these days, right? They may be, but hairstylists are the greatest at cutting and blending extensions.

A terrible colour match is a surefire method to give away hair extensions. When it comes to making your extensions seem real, picking the right colour is crucial.

  • Prefer good-quality Human Hair 

If you’re going to use hair extensions, this is a must! Cheaper or artificial extensions appear to be a fantastic price until they mat and frizz up after the first wash, leaving you with frizzy extensions that don’t match your natural hair texture at all!

  • Get sufficient amount of Extensions to match your Hair Density

It is advised to get a lot of extensions, so much that it matches your natural hair density. This means that if your hair is thick, you’ll need to use a lot of extensions to match your hair type. Also, if you have thin hair, you will need fewer extensions.

Many women are hesitant to use extensions because they do not want their hair to appear artificial. With the steps mentioned above, you can make your extensions seem natural while also making your hair look beautiful for any event!

Are you ready to give your hair extensions a makeover? Then call us or make an appointment with Hair N Extensions Boutique, which has also recently opened in Whitby, apart from the branch in North York!